Aims & Objectives


The General Conference of LC-HKS consists of congregations. Churches need to be approved by the Synod and endorsed by the General Conference before they acquire the right to vote in LC-HKS and become a member congregation of the Synod. Member congregations are autonomous, and they take charge of churches independently. Nevertheless they are to abide by the resolutions of the Synod. Pastors and ministry staff are employed in accordance with the requirements of the Synod.


  • To preach and teach the Gospel of Jesus Christ, and to advance and encourage teaching and learning of the Gospel and to plan and implement a strategy of Christian evangelism.
  • To accomplish the goal for which Jesus came down to earths to rescue humankind – the reconciliation of man and God; a harmonious relationship among people (Eph 2:13-16, 2 Cor. 5:18-20).
  • In order to attain this mission that Jesus Christ has left us, churches must spread the gospel and teach Christians. Therefore, all member congregations in LC-HKS need to hold fast the following two objectives.


  • To witness the Gospel of Jesus Christ so that people may turn to God’s redeeming Word. Christians are to be equipped to do good extensively.
  • To serve the world with love and self-sacrifice, and to care for physical and spiritual needs, so as to demonstrate God’s love to humans.