Strengthening Gospel Work in the Asia Region with LHM
On December 7, 2023, Dr. Kurt Buchholz, the CEO of Lutheran Hour Ministries (LHM), and Gunya NaThalang, the Asia Regional Director of LHM, visited us to discuss evangelistic work.
LHM spreads the Gospel globally through various multimedia platforms. Their programs are broadcasted on over 1800 radio stations each week, reaching a vast audience of over 195 million people in more than 60 countries.
Lutheran Hour Ministries has achieved significant success in Hong Kong over the past decades and will collaborate more closely with us to further enhance Gospel work in the Asian region, including Hong Kong.

Establishment of Education Advisory Board
We have always been committed to enhancing both local and international educational standards. Pursuing this goal, we have recently established an education advisory board consisting of scholars and administrators from prominent academic institutions in Hong Kong. The Board’s objective is to lead the way towards excellence in higher education. We are proud to announce that each member of the Board is either our member or our alumnus.
Moreover, we believe that the Board’s expertise and guidance will be highly beneficial to our Synod, to our educational institutions and to all our students, empowering and equipping them to achieve more.
Let us work together to pursue excellence in education.
On 16 September 2022, The Most Reverend Andrew CHAN [陳謳明], the Archbishop and Primate of the Hong Kong Sheng Kung Hui (Anglican [Episcopal] Church in Hong Kong) visited the Office of the LCHKS President, Rev. Dr. Allan YUNG [戎子由], who extended a warm welcome to the SKH Primate on behalf of our Synod. Both church leaders discussed the ministry work and shared their insights and experience related thereto. Teachers and students of Concordia Theological Seminary, Concordia International School and Concordia Lutheran School, which are operated by the LCHKS, joined in greeting the SKH Archbishop who gave encouragement to all participants.
Sunday Worship Services Online
Due to the current pandemic situation, Sunday worship services must be conducted online. Please visit the website “LCHKS Churches & Mission Stations” to find links.
Asia-Pacific Lutheran Churches Christmas Carols Video Project
The Christmas carols video project engaging the Lutheran Churches of the Asia Pacific region coordinated by the Lutheran Church Hong Kong Synod (LCHKS) is a precious opportunity for all of us to glorify Christ, God in flesh, God with us (Emmanuel) and to console fellow brothers and sisters with the message about God’s care and God’s saving plan for all human beings, working together as Asian Lutherans in unity and peace. The life-giving message (the Gospel), which resounds through the hymns “Joy to the World, the Lord is come” and “Angels We Have Heard on High”, is an encouragement to us in the face of the current pandemic and inspires us to serve the neighbour with joyful hearts amid numerous challenges. Hallelujah!


A Concordia International School Network is Growing and Welcomes Two New Schools

Impossible Possible
God has His ways to keep us safe and to keep us together. All God’s works described below appear to be an impossible mission, yet God enables us to accomplish what appears to be impossible. He empowers us to achieve more than we could achieve by ourselves, more than we could ever imagine.
This summer, the Lutheran Church Hong Kong Synod (LCHKS) presses ahead with different ministries which serve one and the same purpose, namely, the expansion of God’s Kingdom and enhancement of relationships among people as well as between human beings and God. Two important advancements in the field of the Gospel ministry shall be mentioned.
Indeed, God blesses Vacation Bible Study (VBS) organised by our Synod abundantly this summer. We are able to serve more than 10,000 participants within the network of 60 schools, congregations and social service units. This number is a record high. Furthermore, 34 schools operated by the Hong Kong Sheng Kung Hui, which is a name of the Anglican Church in Hong Kong, joined our VBS delivered both onsite and online. Through VBS, we have a precious and unique opportunity to serve children, our small friends, by sharing the Gospel message with them, using English as the medium.
This summer, the network of five international Concordia schools in Greater China, which offer globally-oriented and values-driven education, has welcomed two new schools. This network is our strength and a guarantee of collaboration as far as international education is concerned. In Hong Kong, we operate more than 40 national schools (from pre-schools to high schools). All those schools are committed to developing and nurturing knowledge, skills and attitudes among our students. We equip them to be life-long learners, high achievers and responsible citizens, transforming their lives and letting them discover their purpose in life in the light of Christian values.
God is faithful to His promises and every day He brings His blessing and healing to our society which had to face the recent pandemic and to withstand different hardships which compelled us to work even harder to assist the grassroots residents of our Region through our educational and social services. Likewise, we strive to bring hope to young people who struggle to find their calling in the community.
Currently, the Lutheran Social Service (LSS) is engaged in several significant social projects such as transitional housing or the revitalisation of historic buildings which are supported by public funds. A caring attitude of Hong Kong residents and the responsible leadership of our regional and central Governments helped to bring the pandemic under control and to reduce a number of new Covid cases significantly, while the vaccination rate is soaring.
As the Synod, we are committed to raising the next generation of citizens and believers. Therefore, by operating national and international schools, we intend to contribute to a peaceful, harmonious and stable community in which all law-abiding citizens can have their place, treasuring our culture and enjoying blessings coming from the Gospel which is not bound here but rather might be shared freely, in a constructive way. God’s work is going on and we are deeply grateful for that.

Forbes Annual Selection
BCIS No. 9 in the Greater Bay Area
On Tuesday May 18 Forbes China announced their Top 100 International Schools in China rankings, with Buena Vista Concordia International School coming in at Number 54 on the list. This placed us at Number 9 in the Greater Bay Area. Based on a rubric that includes the financial strength, levels of technology, enrollment, faculty and staff, and school reputation, this list reads like a ‘who’s who’ of international schools around China. Most of these ranked schools come from Tier 1 cities such as Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, and Shenzhen. To make this list is quite an honor – to rank so high on this list is a testament to the hard work and dedication that the faculty and staff of BCIS put in each and every day. Aiming to offer the best education to students in the Greater Bay Area, this Forbes China ranking is proof-positive that BCIS is delivering on those promises.
2021 VBS
With God’s help, we continue to run English Vocation Bible School (VBS) this summer. We are now recruiting volunteers who can use English as a platform to bring the Gospel to more than 5,000 families and more than 15,000 people in Hong Kong, Kowloon and the New Territories.
For enquiries please contact:
Rev. Anthony HUANG (Hong Kong Island & Kowloon East): 9505 7822
Rev. Albert LAU (New Territories): 9858 8875
The LCHKS General Conference (2021)
The General Conference (Convention) was held successfully on 24 April 2021 at Concordia Lutheran School. Seven members of the 16th Executive Council were elected at the meeting, including the President and the two Vice-Presidents. The members of the ten Standing Committees were also elected. The voting members of the Synod re-elected Rev. Dr. Allan YUNG to serve a ninth term as the President of the Synod.
On 28 February 2021, The Most Reverend Andrew CHAN [陳謳明], the Archbishop and Primate of the Hong Kong Sheng Kung Hui (Anglican [Episcopal] Church in Hong Kong) accompanied by his spouse, visited Amazing Grace Lutheran Church [沐恩堂] to meet Rev. Dr. Allan YUNG [戎子由], LCHKS President, to discuss church ministry in this time of the epidemic.
Five volumes of the Chinese Edition of Luther’s Works were presented to the Most Reverend Primate CHAN by Dr. YUNG on behalf of our Synod.
Setting up of funds to help people in need
To encourage members of the church to support each other, to serve diligently and to witness in the community, LCHKS will set up several funds to show the love of Christ by offering help for the disadvantaged in our community. The fund information is as follows:
- Lutheran Serenity Fund / Lutheran Elder Care Fund: to support hospice care or funeral arrangements for the residents of the Elderly Homes of our church.
- Lutheran The Little Ones Fund: to provide extracurricular learning support for students and children in low-income families, such as learning skills and Bible courses.
- Lutheran Relief Fund: to support members of our church and other families needing to face short-term economic difficulties due to various external factors or sudden family changes. This Relief Fund includes the ” Lutheran Mr and Mrs Lawrence Wong Charity Fund for Short-term Residential Care and Emergency Relief ” and the newly established “Lutheran Wong Mei Han Charity Fund” to help those affected by the recent outbreak of the epidemic such as families and people who have lost their job or are unemployed in the short-term.
The above funds have received donations from enthusiastic church members and other people. All members are welcome to participate. The above funds will be entrusted to Lutheran Social Service for management. For further information, please contact Dr. Lui Wai Ling, Annissa (Tel. 2711-9131) of Lutheran Social Service. The details of the plan will be approved by the Executive Council and the funds will be opened for application and reported regularly to the Executive Council.
On March 3, Mr T. Du, Principal of CISHK visited HKIS to discuss about the Ritman Scholarship.
Names (Left to Right)
High School Principal: Dr. David Lovelin
Chief Advancement Officer: Ann Wardwell
Associate Principal for Student Life: Lauren Fine
High School Associate Principal for Teaching and Learning: Brent Brayko
Admission Director: Vicky Seehafer
Prinicipal (CISHK): T. Du
On 18 June 2020, Rev. Dr. Allan YUNG, LCHKS President, received Rev. Dr. Paul LINNEMANN and his wife Cindy. Dr. LINNEMANN is the President of the Northwest District of the LCMS and he was accompanied by Rev. Joel SCHEIWE, senior pastor of the Church of All Nations (CAN) which also belongs to that district. LCHKS and CAN share the same aspirations in the Gospel work. Moreover, CAN cooperates with numerous congregations and institutions of the LCHKS on a continuing basis.
Visit to Chengdu Concordia International School
On October 8th, 2019, Mr.T. Du (Principal of CISHK) was invited to visit Chengdu Concordia International School (CCIS). During this four-day visit, Mr. Du met with the Executive Director, Mr. Guan Mao, and Principal Dorgelo to assist them in planning for the establishment of a high school program in 2020.
Mr. Du also shared best practices with them on school policy planning and setting, school-based assessments, and various tracking mechanisms for building a data driven school. Mr. Du also met with various departments, such as English, Mathematics, and Science to discuss the adoption of Common Core and content standards, and assisted them on unit planner building on Atlas Rubicon.
This trip reflects the practice of regular collaboration and sharing among the three international schools within our Concordia Group.
Concordia Conference
Professional Development 2019
Concordia School Group is pleased to present our fifth professional development conference from November 15-16 in BCIS (Shenzhen). This is a co-planned event by the three international schools that provides our educators the opportunities to foster a culture of collaboration, share best practices, and most importantly, keeps both our international and local teachers up-to-date with the latest trend in education. Participants to this event is not limited to the three international schools and are open to some of the national schools from Hong Kong that are under the HK Synod.
Dr. Vicki Anderson will continue to be our keynote speaker this year and our theme this year will be ‘Personalized Learning – Starting With The Big Idea.’ Concordia University Nebraska has over 100 years of history and they have been known for training teachers in the US. Concordia Nebraska has been in full support of our school group. Over these years, Dr. Anderson continues to be a big support to our school group. In addition to our annual PD conference, she works closely with BCIS in organizing and allocating US teachers for the school’s summer program. This summer program provides students in BCIS a greater exposure to American Culture and vice versa, helps to provide studentteachers from the US a glimpse into the Chinese culture. In addition, having US trained teachers working with the summer program also helps to provide a pool of trained and dedicated teachers for our school group in the future.
This year’s event continues to be an inspiration for all school leaders and educators to move forward together in enhancing the academic standards within our school group.
Concordia Summer Service in Hong Kong 2019
Three students from Shenzhen were admitted to Stanford University this year. Two of them, Simba XU (second from left) and Glede WANG (third from left), are from the Buena Vista Concordia International School (BCIS). In the photo, there is also the BCIS Principal Cockborn (first from right). Dr. Yung (first from left) awarded the Concordia Alumni Services Scholarship to the two outstanding students.
A Resolution of Executive Council
The Executive Council deeply regrets that the LCMS has not yet responded to the LCHKS but rather, as a trustee, sold the three properties and transferred the revenue outside Hong Kong against the wishes of the donors who intended to use these three properties to develop Gospel-ministry in Hong Kong.
The Executive Council unanimously resolved to suspend (freeze) the partnership with the LCMS and to reserve the right to take legal action. On the other hand, we uphold the partnership with all like-minded LCMS co-workers in Hong Kong and in Greater China for God’s glory and for the benefit of people (Resolution 2019-27)
A Letter of Concern to the LCMS District Presidents
The General Conference (Convention) of the Lutheran Church Hong Kong Synod (LCHKS), which took place on 27 April 2019 (Sat), endorsed the appended letter to the LCMS District Presidents [Resolution 2019-03], while the LCHKS Executive Council resolved that this letter was to be sent out on 29 April 2019 (Mon) [Resolution 2019-4].
Visited by Hong Kong Lutheran World Federation
24th October 2018. Member Church Leaders of the Lutheran World Federation and Hong Kong Lutheran World Federation, Mr. Leon Chau, Executive Secretary of The Chinese Rhenish Church Hong Kong Synod; Rev. Chang Chun-wa, Bishop of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Hong Kong; and Rev. Chu Wing-sang, Chief Pastor of the Tsung Tsin Mission of Hong Kong were invited to visit our President’s Office to discuss cooperation in ministry and have fellowship time.
A visit organized by the Lutheran World Federation (LWF) in November 2018 to Japan was mentioned. During the visit, Japan Kinki Church and the Japan Evangelical Lutheran Church, both member churches of the LWF, will be visited. We decided to appoint our First Vice President Rev. Daniel Y.S. Li to be the representative of our Church to attend the visit and learn more about LWF work.
LWF is one of many Lutheran organizations around the world.

From Left to Right﹕ Mr. Leon Chau, Executive Secretary of the Chinese Rhenish Church Hong Kong Synod; Rev. Chang Chun-wa, Bishop of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Hong Kong; Rev. Yung Tze-you; our President; and Rev. Chu Wing-sang, Chief Pastor of the Tsung Tsin Mission of Hong Kong
2018 Vacation Bible School
By God’s grace, Vacation Bible School (VBS) was held as in the past during July this year in many LCHKS congregations and schools. The congregations and schools which participated included Amazing Grace Lutheran Church, St. James Lutheran Church, Holy Word Lutheran Church, LCHKS MKMCF Ma Chan Duen Hey Memorial College, Lutheran Tsang Shing Siu Leun School, Lui Cheung Kwong Lutheran Primary School, Sharon Lutheran School, St. Matthew’s Lutheran School (Sau Mau Ping), and St. James Lutheran Kindergarten. The total number of participants reached about 2,200. Besides, there were about 50 participants from the U.S., most coming from 10 congregations of the LCMS Kansas, , Nebraska and Iowa Districts. They formed short-term mission teams and joined in the mission work. They offered significant contributions such that the effort achieved great success.
HKLSS was selected by the Development Bureau to revitalise Luen Wo Market in Fanling
5th July 2018 The Hong Kong Lutheran Social Service (HKLSS) operated by the Lutheran Church Hong Kong Synod (LCHKS) was selected by the Development Bureau to revitalise Luen Wo Market in Fanling under the Batch V of the Revitalising Historic Buildings Through Partnership Scheme (Revitalisation Scheme). Luen Wo Market (a grade 3 historic building) will be turned into Luen Wo Market – House of Urban and Rural Living by the HKLSS. The project will revive traditional market operations with stalls and shops selling local vegetables, farm products and daily necessities.
Luen Wo Market is a grade 3 historic building as well as a landmark of Fanling district which displays a unique historical characteristic. This revitalisation project is a new ministry of our church in North district. Through this project, we intend to contribute to the conservation of Hong Kong heritage and we are living out our Christian values in the community.
Please visit the below website for the project details:

LCHKS President Rev. Dr. Allan YUNG (fifth left); First Vice President Rev. Daniel Y. S. LI (fourth left) and Chinese Secretary Mr. Kai Hing LAM (third left) and coworkers of HKLSS in a group photo with the Secretary for Development, Mr. Michael WONG (seventh left) and the Chairman of the Advisory Committee on Built Heritage Conservation, Professor LAU Chi-pang (sixth left)
Concordia International School Hong Kong(CIHS) received Full Accreditation from WASC
Congratulations to Concordia International School Hong Kong(CIHS). CIHS received Full Accreditation from Western Association of Schools and Colleges (WASC) on 11 May, 2018.WASC is one of the leading accrediting agencies in the world. The Accrediting Commission for Schools, Western Association of Schools and Colleges (ACS WASC) announces the action taken at the Spring 2018 Commission Meeting. The ACS WASC Commissioners have determined Concordia International School meets the ACS WASC criteria for accreditation.
Rev. Dr. Allan YUNG was reelected as President
The General Conference (Convention) was held successfully on 28 April, 2018. Rev. Dr. Allan YUNG was reelected as President. This will be his eighth term to guard and lead the church.

Proceedings Pertinent to the LCMS
LCHKS General Conference (Convention) on April 28, 2018 Proceedings Pertinent to the LCMS﹕
II. Since the situation is special, the convention accepted the LCHKS President’s report for discussion:
Two issues pertinent to the operation of the LCMS in Hong Kong have emerged recently:
- From 31 March 2018 the regional (Asian) headquarters of LCMS OIM has been moved completely out of Hong Kong to Taiwan without any consultation with the LCHKS.
- The LCMS is arranging to sell three Hong Kong properties, which, like some other properties, were acquired a half century ago by the LCMS to support the Gospel ministry of the LCHKS. The properties prepared for sale are:
- one building at Wiltshire Road (Kowloon Tong),
- one flat in Sorrento Tower (Kowloon West),
- one flat in Repulse Bay (Hong Kong Island).
The property listed above as no. 1 was purchased from the donations of some LCMS members to support Gospel ministry in Hong Kong. Ten years ago, because of the LCMS financial situation, the LCMS sold one of its properties (located at Oxford Road in Kowloon Tong) in order to develop Concordia International School in Hanoi (Vietnam) and to buy the properties listed above as no. 2 and no. 3 for LCMS use. Since, at that time, the LCMS considered the LCHKS to be too small to manage these properties and since there was some difference of opinion about such transfers, the LCMS did not discuss property matters with the LCHKS leadership. Our Synod thinks that the LCMS has the legal right to sell the three properties on its own. However, selling properties again, without taking the wishes of the original donors into consideration and without consulting our Synod, and with the intention of transferring all the revenue out of Hong Kong, appears to contradict the name “Synod” (walking together) which we share. It seems rather that the LCMS is walking away from the LCHKS. The situation is like that of 1 Corinthians 16, the (LCMS) saints collecting gifts for Jerusalem (the LCHKS); but now you have decided to keep the gifts yourself instead of sharing them.
Furthermore, in the protocol signed in 1996 by the LCMS and our Synod, the LCMS pledged itself to transfer the majority of the LCMS properties used by the respective LCHKS congregations to our Synod, and to transfer these properties in accordance with the Three Party Agreement (the LCMS, the LCHKS, and the respective LCHKS congregations using these venues) in order to ensure that the transferred properties would be used for Gospel ministry. However, this procedure has not been implemented fully.
The LCHKS President provided a list of all the properties of the LCHKS and its congregations (Appendix no. 1).
Our Synod is concerned that in the future, for the sake of development or for other reasons, the LCMS might again decide to sell properties which are used by LCHKS congregations, but the deeds of which are temporarily kept by the LCMS, without consulting the Synod. Furthermore, in 2012, some LCHKS congregations signed on their part transfer agreements based on the Three Party Agreement endorsed by the LCMS but so far the legal transfer of these properties has not been completed, which we deeply regret. Representatives of the local congregations asked the LCHKS President to follow up this issue.
To articulate the LCHKS stance on LCMS actions clearly, the convention resolved:
- to pray for the LCMS, especially for LCMS financial stability and sound management,
- to follow up the issue of partnership between the LCHKS and the LCMS in order to uphold and practice Christian love, cooperation and mutual respect between the Synods that should cherish these principles,
- to ask the Executive Council to endeavour to prevent the sale of the properties labelled as no. 10-16 (in the Appendix no. 1) prior to their transfer to our Synod so that these properties would not be sold without the knowledge and consent of our Synod.
Motion by: Rev. Tony LAU Motion Seconded by: Mr. Season WAI
Resolution: 2018-03 adopted unanimously.
Visited by Holy Trinity Lutheran High School from Australia
Mr. Daniel Weller, Principal of Holy Trinity Lutheran High School from Victoria, Australia, and Mrs. Fiona Friberg, Principal of the Primary School, led 2 parents and 14 students of the school in a visit to Hong Kong Tsang Shing Siu Leun Lutheran School on March 13, 2018, to join the International Interface Program of our Synod. They joined with our students in Tsang Shing Siu Luen School for 7 days. President Yung and Mr. Chan Ho Tak, Principal of Tsang Shing Siu Leun Lutheran School, and Rev. Albert Lau, Pastor of Holy Word Lutheran Church cordially played host to the team on March 14, .

Visited by Interim Head of HKIS
Dr. Ron Roukema, Interim Head of School of Hong Kong International School (HKIS), and Rev. Joel Scheiwe, the Senior Pastor of Church of All Nations in Repulse Bay, visited our Synod on March 9. 2018, to discuss how to integrate work in Hong Kong and Mainland China.

Visited by Bishop of the English District of LCMS
Rev. Dr. Hardy, Bishop of the English District of the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod (LCMS), and Rev. Engler visited our Synod on March 7, 2018, to discuss collaboration in Hong Kong and in ministry in China. A mission team from Prince of Peace Lutheran Church, a member congregation of the English District, came to Hong Kong at the same time to assist with gospel work at Ma Chan Duen Hey Memorial College (MCDH).

Ms. Maggie LAM earned the highest score in HKDSE
Congratulations to Ms. Maggie LAM on her superb performance. We are delighted to hear that this year Ms. LAM earned the highest possible score (5**) in eight subjects of Hong Kong Diploma of Secondary Education. This is the best achievement among all 60 000 participants.
(Left to right)
President Allan YUNG, Ms. Maggie LAM, Rev. Yock Kook FONG, Rev. Chun Kuen WONG
On April 8, Rev. Dr. Allan YUNG, the President of the Lutheran Church Hong Kong Synod, Dr. Wai Ling LUI, the Chief Executive and Mr. Wing Ching LO, the Deputy Executive of Hong Kong Lutheran Social Services Lutheran Church Hong Kong Synod visited and discussed the education of Hong Kong and Macau with the Education and Youth Affairs Bureau of Macau. They were received by Ms. KUOK Sio Lai, the Deputy Director of the Education and Youth Affairs Bureau of Macau.
Concordia PD Conference 2015
We welcomed visitors from around the world at our Concordia Professional Development Conference on November 20 and 21. The theme of the conference was the U.S. Common Core Curriculum and its potential impact on students and teachers in international schools in Asia, where most students are English language learners. Teachers and staff from Concordia schools in Hong Kong, China and the United States came together to share strategies and philosophies that impact all students across different cultures and grade levels. Through sharing our diverse experiences and professional training with one another, we continually develop our practices so that we may offer the best American education in the Chinese context.

Guests to The Buena Vista Concordia International School (BCIS)
On 29 Oct 2015 Rev. Dr. Jeff EHLERS, Chairman of The Garuna Foundation, and Rev. Dr. Jacob PREUS, Chairman of The Luther Institute Southeast Asia (LISA) paid a visit to Buena Vista International School.
The discussion was fruitful and all parties are looking forward to further cooperation in the future.

On 26 April (Sun) 2015 CTS celebrated the 30th Graduation Ceremony in Concordia Secondary School. Four students graduated with Diploma in Evangelism, while six – with Bachelor of Theology. The sermon was delivered by Rev. Dr. Allan YUNG, while the final benediction – by Rev. Paul Y. S. CHAN. More than 300 people attended this event.

Group photo

Rev. Dr. Allan YUNG preaching

The graduates singing
On 23 March (Mon) 2015 Dr. Alan RUNGE, the new Head (Principal) of Hong Kong International School (HKIS), and Rev. Joel SCHEIWE, the Senior Pastor of Church of All Nations, paid a visit to Rev. Dr. Allan YUNG, LCHKS President, in the Synodical Headquarters.

Rev. Joel SCHEIWE [left],
Dr. Alan RUNGE [middle],
Rev. Dr. Allan YUNG – LCHKS President [right].
News from Concordia International School Hong Kong
This past weekend boys from Concordia International School Hong Kong operated by The Lutheran Church Hong Kong Synod performed brilliantly at the Hong Kong 2014-2015 History Bee and Bowl Championships. The boys from our international school had multiple wins over their competitors from other international schools. Thus, the students from Concordia International School Hong Kong have qualified for admission to the 2014-2015 Asia History Bee and Bowl Championships. This is a prestigious academic award which has been received only by four middle schools in Hong Kong this year.

The LCHKS 65th Anniversary Thanksgiving Service cum The Ordination & Installation Ceremony
On Sunday 26th October 2014 The Lutheran Church Hong Kong Synod (LCHKS) celebrated its 65th anniversary thanksgiving service cum the ordination and installation ceremony. More than 1 700 persons attended the service in which 8 new pastors were ordained and installed by the ministerium headed by Rev. Dr. Allan YUNG, LCHKS President. The newly ordinands are:
1. Mr. Lap Tak CHEUNG, Christ Saviour Lutheran Church,
2. Mr. Yat Shing TAM, Concordia Lutheran Church,
3. Mr. Tak Keung LIU, Elim Lutheran Church,
4. Mr. Chung Wah CHEUNG, The Nathan Road [Sung Un] Lutheran Church
5. Mr. Kam Tong CHEUNG, St. Matthew’s Lutheran Church
6. Mr. Siu Ming LAU, Holy Word Lutheran Church
7. Mr. Hing Yui SIU, Grace Light Lutheran Church
8. Mr. Lok Man KIANG, Gertrude Simon Lutheran College
View more:
The Annual General Meeting of the Synod for 2014 was held on 26th April at Concordia Theological Seminary. The mission stations “Amazing Grace”, “Holy Word” and “Grace Light” have been accepted as the member churches of the Synod. Further, the articles of Association of the Synod were adopted to be revised according to the requirement of Education Bureau.
The Presentation Ceremony for 2014 Tsui Chi Kwan Scholarship of The Lutheran Church Hong Kong Synod was held on 26th April, 7 primary school students, 10 students from “Little Kid Project”, 12 secondary students and 7 college students got the scholarship.
Primary and secondary students as well as students from “Little Kid Project”, who won, received the scholarship of 1000 HKD per person, while the winners, who were the college students, received the scholarship of 2000 HKD per person.
Rev. Dr. Matthew HARRISON, the President of the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod (LCMS), commemorates the centennial anniversary of Lutheran missionaries coming to China, ponders upon the origin and development of the Lutheran Church Hong Kong Synod and appreciates the leadership of his peer, Rev. Dr. Allan YUNG, the President of the Lutheran Church Hong Kong Synod.
Mr. David G. KOHL, who has recently published the monograph “Lutherans on the Yangtze: A Centenary Account of the Missouri Synod in China”, tells a story of LCMS mission in China and traces the origin of the Lutheran Church Hong Kong Synod.
On the 5th and 6th October 2013 Dr. Karl Olav SANDNES from the Norwegian School of Theology (Det teologiske Menighetsfakultet) delivered public lectures on biblical studies at the Lutheran Theological Seminary (LTS) as part of centennial celebrations thereof. In the forum on Paul and Christian Identity (cf. the photo above) CTS was represented by Dr. Matthew OSEKA, whereas the lecture on Paul’s Areopagus Speech (Acts 17) was attended by Rev. Dr. Stephen IP, CTS President, and by Dr. OSEKA as well.

On the 29th September 2013 the Abiding Grace Lutheran Church, which gathers in Concordia Lutheran School (North Point), celebrated the Theological Education Sunday. On behalf of the Concordia Theological Seminary (CTS) Dr. Matthew Oseka shared the message there.

Rev. Sam L. S. YEUNG, Dr. Matthew Oseka, Tong Si Wai (Felix).

In August 2013 more than 250 teachers from 10 Lutheran schools participated in the Joint School Revival Meeting which was organised in Lui Cheung Kwong Lutheran College hall.

Rev. Dr. Allan Yung, the President of the Lutheran Church Hong Kong Synod, presented the souvenir to Rev. Eric S. Y. So, the General Secretary of the Church of Christ in China, who was a guest speaker at the Lui Cheung Kwong Lutheran College.

On 27th August 2013, on behalf of CTS, Dr. Matthew Oseka explored how CTS may help to advance Lutheran theological education in Cambodia offering the distance Greek course to students from Evangelical Lutheran Church of Cambodia.

5th World Seminaries Conference Held in Palanga (Lithuania, EU) from the 8th to 11th August 2013
From the 8th to 11th August 2013 Rev. Dr. Stephen T. C. IP, CTS President, and Dr. Matthew OSEKA, CTS Director of Research & Development, as commissioned by the Synodical President, Rev. Dr. Allan YUNG, represented the Lutheran Church Hong Kong Synod (ILC member) attending the 5th World Seminaries Conference under the auspices of the International Lutheran Council (ILC).
The conference took place in Palanga (Lithuania, EU) and the topic thereof was “Suffering, Persecution and Martyrdom as a Mark of the Church”. Thus, the representatives of the seminaries operated by the Lutheran churches belonging to ILC delivered the lectures on the aforementioned topic and discussed the contemporary situation of the theological education within the conservative Lutheranism. CTS delegation shared a brief presentation (An Existential Endeavour) as well as the seminary news.