Letters of Clarification regarding the Relationship between the LCHKS and the LCMS
A Brief Letter of Clarification (6 May 2019).pdf A Letter of Clarification (6 May 2019).pdf Details
A Brief Letter of Clarification (6 May 2019).pdf A Letter of Clarification (6 May 2019).pdf Details
On October 8th, 2019, Mr.T. Du (Principal of CISHK) was invited to visit Chengdu Concordia International School (CCIS). During this four-day visit, Mr. Du met with the Executive Director, Mr. Guan Mao, and Principal Dorgelo to assist them in planning for the establishment of a high school program in [...]
本年十月二十九日,本會舉行名為「Now and Then: The Summit of Lutheran Churchmen, Educators and Diakonoi」講座,承蒙全國政協副主席梁振英博士蒞臨,與本會逾百中高層管理人員就教育、社會服務及其他事工作出分享,予以支持,幫助與會者對近期本港各新政策有較清楚的理解。 Details
The Christmas carols video project engaging the Lutheran Churches of the Asia Pacific region coordinated by the Lutheran Church Hong Kong Synod (LCHKS) is a precious opportunity for all of us to glorify Christ, God in flesh, God with us (Emmanuel) and to console fellow brothers and sisters with [...]
Due to the current pandemic situation, Sunday worship services must be conducted online. Please visit the website “LCHKS Churches & Mission Stations” to find links.
On 16 September 2022, The Most Reverend Andrew CHAN [陳謳明], the Archbishop and Primate of the Hong Kong Sheng Kung Hui (Anglican [Episcopal] Church in Hong Kong) visited the Office of the LCHKS President, Rev. Dr. Allan YUNG [戎子由], who extended a warm welcome to the SKH Primate on [...]
We have always been committed to enhancing both local and international educational standards. Pursuing this goal, we have recently established an education advisory board consisting of scholars and administrators from prominent academic institutions in Hong Kong. The Board's objective is to lead the way towards excellence in higher education. [...]